Cloning Engine Progress

Promoting Your Internet Business

One of the free bonuses that we'll be sending you with your starting materials is multi-media presentation called the INTERNET MONEY MACHINE SYSTEM. It describes dozens of fast, easy, inexpensive promotional techniques that you can use to draw potential customers to your new Internet Site in large numbers.

It starts with an easy-to-understand explanation of the many sources of free advertising that are already available on the Internet – to anyone who wants to use them. After you've heard just the first audiocassette in this package, you'll be able to launch an entire Internet marketing promotion with ZERO COST!

Each successive cassette discusses more and more elaborate and powerful Internet marketing tools. Use as few or as many as you wish to generate mass quantities of new customers. Learn to master search engines, use free classified and links, get free referrals from other sites, and much more.

Other programs in your package of complimentary starting materials and the FREE Future World PRODUCT SAMPLER PACK will show you how to use a wide range of other non-Internet marketing techniques and devices to produce even more business. One of these bonus sample products is the Mega Stategy, a $99.00 value all by itself.

It's unique collection of promotional ideas will allow you to promote all kinds of information products in many creative ways. It will even show you how to create unique information products of your own.

You can read more about when your Internet Showroom is finished cloning. The techniques in this program helped the man who wrote it to earn more than a million dollars from information products. We're confident that you will find its methods to be very useful in your own promotional activities.

For still other sources of marketing and promotional expertise, there are more than 20 different books and audiocassettes on this subject in your own Internet Showroom – each available to you at a 50% discount. Read and listen to whichever products interest you and use your newfound knowledge to help your Internet business to grow enormously.


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