Cloning Engine Progress


To make The Future World opportunity as positive as possible, we have tried to keep the number of restrictions as low as possible. Nearly every legal advertising and promotional method may be used to market your business with these few exceptions:


Claims of earning potential for any Future World product or for the Future World opportunity itself must be expressed in general terms only, such as "fantastic earning potential". Claims of any amount of specific earnings potential, such as "Make $200,000.00 your first year using the Mega-Strategy™ system" are prohibited.


Any advertising that you write or create yourself that mentions Future World or any of it's products by names needs to be approved by our legal department prior to use. This restriction is not a means of suppressing your opportunity to create your own advertising materials. On the contrary, we encourage you to be as energetic and creating as you wish.

We approve dozens of new advertising pieces every day that have been written and designed by individual Comms. Most ad copy is reviewed and returned with approval or revision suggestions within two business days. We simply reserve the right to approve any advertising that bears our company name, our company logo, or features one of our products.


Illegal advertising methods, such as chain letter schemes, envelope stuffing offers, Ponzi (pyramid) schemes, etc. are, of course, forbidden, as are illegal forms of payment such as bad checks, unbillable credit cards, etc.


Unsolicited bulk email promotions (the sending of email correspondence, sales letters or promotional documents to individual who have not requested it or already established a prior business relationship with you) are likewise forbidden. Though not technically illegal, the backlash this kind of activity can create can put you and your site out of business on the Internet in a matter of days. If your purpose in establishing a Future World web site was to have something to promote by bulk email, we encourage you to look elsewhere.


Unsolicited commercial postings to news groups and discussion groups that do not specificially state, on-line that they welcome and encourage advertising or commercial postings. An increasing number of newsgroups do not welcome any commercial postings even if the newsgroup itself has a commercial subject, such as, alternative home businesses. Exercising EXTREME CAUTION to ensure compliance with the rules of the group is your responsibility. Failure to comply with each group's rules and policies could result in the loss of your website. Spamming a group of five or more groups with an identical commercial message is prima facia evidence of disregard for individual news group policies and will resultin web site termination. When in ANY doubt, don't post anything that could be considered to have even a remote commercial intent.

(6) Any and all Future world merchandise sold on the Internet must be offered at or above Future World's suggested retail price.

That's it. As we said, the list of restrictions is short, to provide you wish as many opportunities and as few limitations as possible.


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